April 14, 2024

No Regret.

My heart was tame, but now is wild.
No regret about that. Cause, I'm
Beyond of the edge of human being.

No regret about mine not able to meet
The moon. No regrets about the rotten
Rose in my pocket. Even no regret about
The sun that refuse me to give light.

No one can understand that if someone
Don’t look at my sight. Meanwhile, my
Eye sight has been faded. No regret about
That. Just because my heart is become wild.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

April 13, 2024

I Saw Your Footprints With Someone.

I have become a heartless.
I feel little bit gloomy.
What is the reason, i can't resolve it.
Moments has turned into memories.
The rose has rotten in my pocket that you gave me.
My shirt's already spinning
in the laundry, but they are refuse to take it.
There's no other way to convince them.
I lonely pass through the streets,
I find haven in the beyond of edge.
I found myself in a ruined Universe.
My fault seemed to become museum.
They are visit once in a while.
When my eyes closed.
What a strange feeling it is.
The sight in front of mine,
Appearing like my heart burning with fire.
I'll probably die again,
At this time I saw your footprints with someone.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

April 03, 2024

Danger like a Woman.

A danger like a woman,
who has a couple of lip, the beautiful lips
like a burning fireplace. Burned with the fire,
I would come with the burning heart
hoping for some relief. Will you refuse me?

A danger like a woman,
who has a heart, a scarred heart,
like a city destroyed by an atomic bomb.
Ruined by that bomb, I would come for peace.
Will You refuse me?

A danger like a woman, who
has a couple of eyes. the beautiful
eyes. like shining stars in the universe.
Killed by those eyes, I would come with a death
brain on hand. Will you still refuse me?

Raisul Hasan Rafi

March 31, 2024

Come Back.

I'm alive,
But ain't living,
All I'm struggle to survive,
Me tomorrow and now,
Lies on the death sea,
Mine breathe beyond of edge,
Mine sight in beyond of the sun.

She was my beloved,
She was a beauty,
She was bright,
She was obedient,
But I didn't know that —
the obedience too can be swayed?

She was my beloved.
was a peagant of beauty,
And she was like a magnet,
Attracted me every moment.

The sun do set,
And can set forever for you,
But will still be shining like light.
If you come back to me.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

March 11, 2024

Yes! I'm Okay.

It pains me, every time my effort Isn't grasp.
It pains me, how I convince myself that "I'm Okay!"
It pains me if my expression of feelings hurts someone.
It pains me to be a good man. It pains me, It pains me.

It pains me that soft hearts suddenly harden.
It pains me to hear false stories disguised as truth.
It pains me to cherish a soft heart in the chest.
It pains me to love myself, It pains me to be mine.

It pains me to be a good man.
Suddenly I want to be a bad one.
He who has a heart like a stone.
Wants to be rude.

I can notice everything.
I can feel everything.
I'm fool but not goofy. It pains me to accept that.
It pains me to accept that, "Yes! I'm Okay".

Raisul Hasan Rafi

February 20, 2024


She kissed me, with her all soul.
She loved me, with her all being.
She protected me, with her all ability.
She wielded me, with her all rights.
Finally, she killed me with her all false.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

January 07, 2024

My Beloved.

You know what,
how much I Love you,
you are my beloved.
You are my moonlight.

I love you as a man loves the
moon from afar, knowing he
will never get close to
the moon.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

January 08, 2024

Beyond of The Earth.

I loved her with all my being.
Yet she left, leaving me alone.
One-day she came back again
but soon disappear again,
into the abyss of
the earth.

I want to escape from
the world's
cruelest rules.
I want to get lost in the beyond
of the earth.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

January 07, 2024

Stars in Sky.

There are billions
of stars in the sky.
If a star or two falls,
space does not care.

But, the space is so beautiful
because the stars are

Space is really cruel.

Raisul Hasan Rafi

January 08, 2024

I died.

Ghosts don't have shadows,
but I'm human.
I alive, breathing continuously.
Why does my shadow sometimes
So am I a ghost?
Aha! I died...!

Raisul Hasan Rafi
